I've got a Creative Zen Touch Mp3 player. I've mentioned it plenty of times before on my blog, and it's a wicked little machine. I've had no real problems with it and it's still going strong!
The Creative Zen Touch (and probably most other Creative DAP's) come with their own software called Nomad Explorer. It enables the Mp3 player & PC to talk, i can add / remove tunes, playlists, ID tags etc. It does an alright job, but I'd love to be able to get faaar more functionality out of it! It does the basic functions, but it could do sooo much more! I mean, there's a third party app called Notmad by Redchair software and that seems far more functional. However, that costs (and i dont like that!). There's also Gnomad if i was using linux, but i'm not... So i'm stuck with Nomad Explorer.
I Also use a program called Rocketdock which provides me with a navigational dock which pops up and dissapears when i need it! I can drag my most used shortcuts onto it and then choose them as and when i need them! It's also unobtrusive, so it appears when i hover over it, and then dissapears when i dont need it! It also hovers over my active windows so it's always on hand when i need it! Saves me navigating back to my desktop to get to my shortcuts!
Im babbling. I Apologise.
So i wanted to get my shortcut to Nomad onto my Dock! Shouldn't be hard task, except for the fact that everytime i dragged the shortcut onto the dock, it didn't provide a target so it was just an icon that did nothing. Rubbish! After checking the original shortcut, that worked fine! No target, but it still opend Nomad Explorer.. Strange!
So after a bit of goooglnig this morning, i found out that if i entered a path into the iconsettings, it worked perfectly! Hoorah! So if anyone's looking to do the same, here's the path i used. I think this path depends on what MP3 player you have...
C:\Program Files\Creative\Creative NOMAD Jukebox Zen Xtra\NOMAD Explorer\NOMAD Explorer.lnk
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